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This is a difficult and unprecedented time for all of us.

As Catholics, we are suddenly faced with our parish doors being locked and limited access to the sacraments. This can be very disheartening. Now more than ever, we must hold fast to the great virtue of Hope.

In the words of Pope St. John Paul II "Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ." We must open the doors of our hearts to Christ and trust in the Lord who will give us everything we need.

In an effort to assist Catholics everywhere, we are opening our doors to make the FORMED platform free to everyone for the next 40 days. Sign up today and get immediate access to the best Catholic movies, faith formation videos, audio talks, and great children's videos. 

As we are gathered together in our homes, this can be a tremendous opportunity to watch something as a family that will inspire hope and remind us all that the Lord will provide for us even through these difficult times. www.formed.org/faithathome

